Our unique process begins with various advertising methods directed at homeowners in specific regions. We take a very personal approach and encourage consumers to call us rather than filling out an online form.
By prompting a phone call, we are able to personally explain our service to consumers. At the same time we are able to get information on their project, PRE-QUALIFY the lead and verify their contact information.
Once a lead has been qualified we schedule up to 3 estimates for the project (based on the customer’s timetable). Usually all of the estimates are within a 3-5 day period.
After the estimates have been scheduled, our pool of contractors (within that trade) are sent an e-mail notification that “appointments are available to purchase”.
When logged onto our website, registered contractors are able to preview the project. A project preview will include project description, area, and appointment times available.
Once contractor has previewed a project they are able to purchase an appointment time. Stop wasting your time on the phone and leave the estimate setting to us. There is no need for you to spend valuable time going back and forth on the phone or talking to a prospect that really isn’t interested after all. Simply show up within the estimate time block and sell the customer on your services IN PERSON.
Please note that we only work with licensed and insured contractors. We do not work with unlicensed contractors that have lower costs due to their bad business practices. Our consumers are usually satisfied with 3 bids and do not seek bids from contractors outside of our network. We emphasize the fact that cheaper isn’t always better, and that quality comes with a price.
Our service significantly speeds up the consumer’s buying process.
• Connect with the Targeted Prospects You Need to Succeed
Tell us what you do and where, and we deliver prospects that meet your exact needs.
• Stay in Control and in Charge of Your Business
You control your budget and lead preferences.
• Leap Ahead of the Competition to Win More Jobs
Our lead management tools keep you organized and in touch with the homeowners you need to grow your business.